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  • robyn3500

I met an angel

"Even after all this time, the Sun never says to the Earth, "You owe me." Look what happens to a love like that, It lights up the whole sky." —Hafiz

Something amazing happened this week that was such a beautiful reminder about the gift of generosity. I have been looking for a quiet place to take a little writing retreat: somewhere cozy and quiet I could hole up, but also someplace that was close to home, so I wouldn't leave my kids too long.  I typed in "cabin with fireplace Cold Spring" on AirBnB, and exactly ONE rental popped up: a cute place nestled in the woods with a giant fireplace that was only 20 minutes away from my home. Score! The only drawback was that it was pricey. Hmm, figuring "what the hell" I emailed the owner and asked if I could get a discount. I explained I was a mom of two and writer who could only steal away for 2 to 3 days at the most and could she cut me a deal? About an hour later she replied to my business email—she found it on my site after Googling my name. After a quick back and forth, she told me not only could I have her place for the time I needed, I could have it for FREE. She said "I like your work (after checking out my site), and I'm a mom of two, too. Enjoy the cabin, it's a great place to write." Turns out it was. I got more accomplished in two days than I have in almost two months, and this was due to the kindness of a woman I have never met in my life. Was she an angel? Possibly? Was she crazy to give a complete stranger access to her house? Probably. Regardless, this crazy angel did something we can learn from. She assumed positive intent. "Assuming Positive Intent" is an ideal usually found in business, but it applies to life all-around. "Assuming Positive Intent" works from the assumption that people are good, and that the intent behind their actions is a positive one. What can be scary about "Assuming Positive Intent" is that it makes us feel vulnerable. It requires us to soften our ideas of "Someone is out to get me!" Or "I'm right, they're wrong!" But what is so life-changing about "Assuming Positive Intent" is that it shifts us from a "me" to "we" thinking. It switches us from the position of "How can I defend myself?" to  "How can I help?" If you look up the synonyms of "generosity" in the dictionary, you'll find  "open-handedness" which I love. Think of a gorgeous open palm versus a tightly closed fist. That's what "Assuming Positive Intent" does, it shifts us from tight to open, from stressed to spacious. This open-handedness is something we can ALL practice in ways big and small whether it's with a loved one, colleague, or even a stranger. Thanks to my secret angel for giving me shelter and to YOU, dear reader, who always inspires me!! Assume some positive intent this week and let me know how it goes in the comments section below!

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